• Bloodlines Series Fans

    Where are all my Bloodlines Series fans?! Did you know there is a secret FB group where you’ll never miss a post, you’ll get all the news and updates first and sometimes even special teasers and excerpts well before the masses?? If you loved Tug of War, Objective or Resistance- come join us! https://www.facebook.com/groups/TugofWarKLarsen/

  • Target 84’s Cover Reveal

    Hi all!I am revealing the Target 84 cover here because I don’t think anyone really pays attention to the cover reveal’s that get posted all over Facebook from different blogs. My reach on Facebook is pretty lame lately so I think I will just leave it to fate to spread the news! Without further delay… Isn’t it gorgeous?! I love it and I think it is a fabulous addition to the series covers. What are your thoughts? I still nee a few more supporters for my ThunderClap campaign. Help out if you can! www.thunderclap.it/projects/19956-target-84-release

  • Jezebel

    I have a new secret work in progress…tentatively called Jezebel. 30 years of affection. 10 years of soul shattering love. 8 years of happy employment. 2 months of turmoil. 1 week of truth. A lifetime of betrayal. Would you have seen it coming? You can add it to goodreads here: https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/23160999-jezebel Jezebel defined: The Oxford Guide to People & Places of the Bible states that the name is “best understood as meaning ‘Where is the Prince?’….

  • Glasses surprise!

    How do you all feel about guys in glasses? Personally, depending on the guy, glasses are hot! For instance, my hubs just had to get his very first pair and I admit- he looks so handsome in them! Love Love Love! I’ve been wearing mine since sixth grade, with a short stint into the land of contacts that lasted from 19 until 25. After I had my daughter my eyes decided that they hated contacts so I very rarely wear them anymore! Did that happen to anyone else out there? Also, what is with men and vests? Not the coat variety but the suit vest type. Holy hotness batman! I think all…