I used to ride a horse to school…
No. You did not read that wrong.
In middle school, a few friends and I rode horses to school every morning. We held reigns. We trotted. On our PRETEND horses. As in… there was no actual horse. Sometimes I wonder how I survived middle school at all.
Now in all fairness, one of said friends actually took riding lessons. But me? Nope. I did not. I just pretend trotted. I kept a ‘stable’ of horses, complete with names, in my closet. It was a thing. I mean sure I wasn’t the coolest kid in 6th grade but really, who is at that age?
Why am I telling you this?
We all do weird things. So fly your weird flag and be proud of who you are. I mean, I don’t still ride pretend horses when walking around but… it happened. And surprisingly there is a new movement…where kids are competing in stick horse events.
Don’t believe me? Check it! https://youtu.be/xPlrtDEBUHA
A THING! hahahahaha
Ok so moving on… The Tutor is nearing release and it’s cover reveal. The Tutor is weird–just like me. Just like you. It will push boundaries. Make you think hard about love and what it is. What it means. It is gritty and edgy and at times raw.
It’s a little dark. It’s sexy. It’s suspenseful and thrilling.
In honor of its impending release, I am giving away a Signed Copy of The Marriage Pact and an Audible copy of Imposter!
Check out what people are saying about them here:
Amazon: http://amzn.to/2nOUZxD
B&N: https://goo.gl/SdRxDq
Kobo: https://goo.gl/b8grOQ
iTunes: https://goo.gl/okIjlN
Amazon: https://goo.gl/RgYpg5
iBOOKS: https://goo.gl/eipMcJ
NOOK: https://goo.gl/wUKrqJ
KOBO: https://goo.gl/6mqqHl