Holla for Hump Day!
Hey all,
So what’s the good word? I feel like there is so much going on right now but it’s all jumbled in my head. I will bullet updates.
Jezebel aka Super Secret Project aka Super Secret Project that has a title… has a little taste of what’s to come here! CLICK ME

Target 84 also has a little bit you can read–for now… here. CLICK ME
Over the next freakin’ two weeks I will be travelling all over New England to make various Christmas celebrations happen so bear with me if I’m scarcely around.
Target 84 could use ALL the support it can get so share this link to any and every one you can!! THUNDERCLAP
Before the release of Target 84– I will do a reader (note: not a blogger) giveaway for an ARC of the book so stay tuned!
Jezebel is still with a couple people but once I hear back from them– I will revise and then query for some NEW beta readers! Have you ever done that? Think you’d want too? Let me know!
I’ve been seriously addicted to Buzzfeed videos lately. Have you checked any out? They crack me up. I think I have a problem. Buzzfeed and Coffee are consuming me.
- I started working on the next book which really I think will end up being a serial! Possibly 4 parts all 75 pages at about .99 cents– title Addict B.

2. If you don’t know– RL Griffin has a book releasing in January. Razorblade Kisses. IT. IS. AMAZING. please add it to your TBR list HERE.
3. Just a quick shout out to some authors I adore;
Ella James- you rock. Carey Heywood- I need one of your sweaters. RL Griffin- I can not wait to see you twice in 2015!!!! Kim Holden- I’m freaking out waiting to hear from you. Leylah Attar- I need more of your writing- please release something new! Trisha Wolfe- woman- you’ve taken me to a new level of personal awesomeness, I adore you. Heidi McLaughlin- you’re amazing and a wealth of knowledge–I’d be lost without you!
I made some mini trailers! FTR–I am a mini-anything addict. I love those minipots/pans, bowls, silverware, martini glasses– anything kitchen/dinner related- it’s a problem. There is no good use for those things but I NEED THEM. Need. Do you understand how dire it is folks? The Husbutt gives me the stink eye every single time we’re out and I pick something mini up and say–ISN’T THIS ADORABLE?! Yeah. Probably not getting anything mini for Christmas this year.
Feel free to share these if you want too!
#Target84 #ComingSoon #Greta
#Resistance #mustread #Sawyer http://studio.stupeflix.com/v/hbksCP0VrLd2/?autoplay=1
#Objective #bloodlinesSeries #Trailer
#TugofWar #FREE #KINDLE https://animoto.com/play/XJJ5U72O5AuHXzVHWcIjAw