Hello, is it me you’re looking for?
There is a ginormous giveaway happening on my page- have you seen it? Go check it out . (the FB page under the giveaway tab) I want to see entries folks! It could be so much fun, don’t you agree?!
One person actually posted a picture of her DOG reading the book. I think that is awesome! Be creative with your ‘selfie’ As long as it has a body part (or something alive) showing in the picture with the book it counts! Let me see what ya got!

April will be here fast then we know it! (Hoping anyways) and I will be attending NSAS again! Come visit me! <3 <3 There will be another signing in CT early summer…. I will keep you posted.

Target 84 is due to release in January! I don’t have a firm date yet but I will let you all know as soon as I know! Can’t wait for you to get your hands on it! Add it to your TBR so you remember it.
The buzz:

I also hit 3,000 likes recently and that was huge! Thank you all so damn much! How amazing is that? 3,000?! It seems like a big deal to me– that’s for sure.
My super secret project has 60k words thanks to #NaNoWriMo this month.
I am really really really pleased with how it’s turning out and I think you will be too. More to come on that later because for now… it’s still secret. Okay… maybe if you’re all very good I will share a snippet soon….
I am debating on whether or not to do a cover reveal, blog tour or release party for Target 84.
As readers…do you pay attention to that stuff? Do you like it? Participate? I really need feedback on this… I want to hear your voices!

It’s time to give thanks, so… a quick note to all my readers– THANK YOU.
Yes you. You have no idea how much it means to me that you pick up one of my books and read it, you don’t know because I don’t know a word that exists to define the feeling.
So, thank you for making me feel the feeling I have no words to describe.
I hope that you all have a Very Happy Thanksgiving holiday!