Exciting updates!
I have some things to mention that you might be interested in…or not. Honestly, I’d love to be more exciting and interesting but I’m just a human. One who’s had a cold for the last week and whose creative juices are currently stymied by Dayquil delusions so bear with me and my momentary mediocrity.
ICYMI: The Brother is live! Wahoo! If you’ve already finished reading please skip over to Amazon and leave a review. CLICK
The Tutor Audiobook is LIVE! Listen HERE I am so excited for you to be able to hear Nora’s words. The Brother is currently being narrated and should be available in November.
The Bloodlines Series AND the 30 Days Duet have NEW covers! I can’t wait to share them with you all but check my Facebook page next month and December to see them! If you’re in my group, you’ve already seen them and you know that I love to get down and dirty in there with my readers! Have you joined? JOIN me.
What is everyone doing for Halloween? Normally I tag along while my kiddo trick or treats, but, this year I’m going to stay home and hand out candy! I love seeing all the kids costumes. I might even dress the dogs up.
I’m part of an anthology in November called Rescue Tails. 100% of the proceeds are being donated to an animal shelter. My piece is called Dildog. I promise you will be entertained! This cause is near and dear to my heart as both my dogs are rescues.
Halloween Ker Dukey and I have a giveaway for you all so make sure you check out my Facebook page at some point that day!
I’ve ordered all the paperbacks and expect them to be in the mail to anyone who ordered a signed copy in November.
Happy Autumn!