12 Days Of Christmas Giveaway!
Happy Holidays everyone! I hope you’re somewhere warmer than me! I love love love the holiday season and decorating so to celebrate I’ve decided to giveaway a book a day leading up to the 23rd! Yay! Let’s all be merry and bright this season. Every day from the 12th-23rd around 7pm a new giveaway will post on my Facebook Page– so be sure to check back daily and enter. I’m really excited for this and I hope you are too! Here are the books (in no particular order) that will be given away:
Teaser Day!
Teaser Tuesday!
Teaser Tuesday!
Exciting updates!
Hello! I have some things to mention that you might be interested in…or not. Honestly, I’d love to be more exciting and interesting but I’m just a human. One who’s had a cold for the last week and whose creative juices are currently stymied by Dayquil delusions so bear with me and my momentary mediocrity. ICYMI: The Brother is live! Wahoo! If you’ve already finished reading please skip over to Amazon and leave a review. CLICK The Tutor Audiobook is LIVE! Listen HERE I am so excited for you to be able to hear Nora’s words. The Brother is currently being narrated and should be available in November. The Bloodlines Series…