• Imposter- Thriller

    AVA July 11, 2016 “I was never really loved. I guess that’s where it began. My mother wasn’t a mother, more like someone who just used me when it was convenient for her. I wasn’t wanted so what did it matter?” Ava thought about how her mother used to leave her at the Hannaford when she was little. She’d just walk in, take Ava to the bakery section for a free cookie then leave. The lady at the bakery never called the police on her mother. Or anyone else. And after a while, she took Ava in-kinda-sorta. Ava would go behind the counter, have all the free cookies she wanted…

  • Here’s to you!

    In honor of you, the reader, I post…. A chapter. Enjoy! #Duplicity#WhoWillWin#SaveEmma *unedited* subject to change* FridayMilana   Willa: It’s not just a ‘friend’ weekend o’ fun 😉 Friday 3:48pm   Milana: Oh jaysus. Have an orgasm for me!Friday 3:50pm Willa: LOL, can do!Friday 3:55pm   Milana: Ok hottie, have a fab weekend fling!Friday 4:00pm   Willa: So I yelled out “that was for Milana!” That wasn’t weird right???Friday 11:00pm   Milana: OMG! Bahaha, that is THE BEST! Love it.   I snort as I type my response. My phone rings almost immediately after I hit send. I lift it, glancing at the screen and smile. Shaking my head in amusement…