Wow. I have a book releasing today, and I feel like I’ve done everything I’m able to- to spread the news.  I also feel like it isn’t enough. Yet, I can’t imagine what amount of buzz I could drum up would *ever* feel like enough. Thank you sincerely to all my Launch Team Members who’ve helped with the Jezebel release and fans who helped spread the word and ARC readers helping to get Jezebel in front of people/ readers! There isn’t a road map to success.  It seems to be GREAT BOOK + TIME + LUCK. ​ ​There’s a fine line between informative/ interesting and annoying/pushy, So I will keep this short……

  • Holla for Hump Day!

    Hey all, So what’s the good word? I feel like there is so much going on right now but it’s all jumbled in my head. I will bullet updates. Jezebel aka Super Secret Project aka Super Secret Project that has a title… has a little taste of what’s to come here! CLICK ME   Target 84 also has a little bit you can read–for now… here. CLICK ME Over the next freakin’ two weeks I will be travelling all over New England to make various Christmas celebrations happen so bear with me if I’m scarcely around.  Target 84 could use ALL the support it can get so share this link…